Menschenfresser (Metal) |
Band Biography
We are the band "Menschenfresser" and play Horror Metal. The band was formed in 2006 with Holger Rodammer ("Hellmaster`s") on drums and Christian Knecht... |
Voodoo Gods (Death Metal) |
Voodoo Gods is an American death metal supergroup with a roster of international musicians. VOODOO GODS play METAL with influences from Death and Thrash Metal. Most of the lyrics deal with voodoois... |
Ocean of Plague (Death Metal) |
The in 2010 founded quintet Ocean of Plague from Ulm/Stuttgart combines death-metal with finest hardcore elements, completed by the fresh sound of the modern era with a breeze of progressive.
O... |
Incipit (Metal) |
We are a brand new Metalcore band from Schweinfurt - Bavaria - Germany and we are ready to kick ass. ;) |
Ruin of Remembrance (Metal) |
Playing an individual style of modern Melodic Death Metal since Dec. 2009. Release of the debut "Second World" for free at www.ruinofremembrance.de |
Starspawn (Heavy Metal) |
The Belgian band Starspawn uses influences from Heavy Metal, Rock and a variety of other genres to create a style of Heavy Rock that definitely sounds classic, but without being derivative or old-fash... |
Metal Bier und Wurstsalat (Metal) |
Zum Inhalt des Buches: Simon ist 19 Jahre, lebt in der Kleinstadt Apen in Niedersachsen, und träumt davon, Rockstar zu werden - vornehmlich in einer Metalband. Er und seine beiden Freunde Arne... |
Seelenstein (Gothic Metal) |
The band SEELENSTEIN plays music that is called NDH (New-German-Hard music). It is a mixture of metal, gothic, folk and medieval influences. It is a mixture between Rammstein and In Extremo. |
The Unknown (Heavy Metal) |
I've never been in a full band. All the music I post is just demo's that I record and demo's I record with other musicians. I am still trying to form a full band. Maybe someday I will get lucky. I p... |