Angel K (Electro) |
Angel K, besides the original work, is a member of TRIXX PROJECT. TRIXX PROJECT was created by musician Franco Junior, the singer / songwriter Angel K and the actor and singer Carlos Dias. The set ... |
Alicks feat. LAROD (Electro) |
Alicks feat. LAROD Alicks Biography Alicks was born in 1974 in Niedersachsen. When he was 6 years old, he started dancing and singing and was seen in several performances. After the death of his mo... |
Arcano Zero (Electro) |
Arcano Zero started out, in early 90s, as a sound experimental project, based on synthesizer landscapes and noise extravaganza. The purpose of founder member, Sabastian Val, was never to release his e... |
Alma Eterno (Electro) |
www.talents-d.de is the new Musik tool! www.media-libre.de is the new Information Tool for Musik video and Design. |
ATX (Electro) |
ATX just want to create & share good music ! It's minimalist, melodic and often melancolic, but it's the way I like ! I hope you like it too ! I don't have so much material but I have got some ... |
Aestetic Idiosyncrasy (Electro) |
Aestetic Idiosyncrasy
Electro-EBM with influences of Trance and Industrial...
After participating in different bands as a lead-vocalist, keyboarder and backing-vocalist, Christian M. ... |