Michel Nolet (Electro) |
When I lie on my deathbed, don't call for a priest. Find a quantum mechanics teacher instead. I have a lot of fun creating this music. I hope you will enjoy listening to it. |
Mattison Dubstep (Electro) |
Hey everyone! I'm a new and upcoming artist trying to break into the Dubstep scene. Though my Dubstep is not as dark as some meaning not only hardcore fans can listen to my music. I hope to provide an... |
Museum Of Neurotic Origins (Electro) |
Two neurotic musicians hunting for sounds and noises, capture them into a tiny box called "rockotronic pop music", and shake them until a sound appears, filled with heartblood and warmth! |
Massa Última (Electro) |
Massa Ultima (who's known to his mother as Rui Almeida) is a Portuguese sound artist. |
Matthew Rolph (Electro) |
Ok well i write that which symbolizes my feelings regardless of quality, pitch, compositional elements, this form is the closest thing i have to reflecting myself which in turn is furthest thing from ... |
MANMACHINE (Electro) |
I am a one man band,and i make the music with hardware instroments and computer. |