C418 (Electro) |
I'm independent! Thats everything to say. |
Clorofila Azul (Electro) |
Clorofila Azul is Hugo Santos, a talented multimedia artist from Porto with a major degree in Painting and a couple of minor ones in design, acting and several other stuff among the Arts. This release... |
Con 7 (Electro) |
«French musician La Fresto is no stranger to test tube. He's been following and reviewing our releases almost since the beginning, and now he's at the other side, submitting his most recent work... |
Carl Moses (Electro) |
Music producer, Carl Moses, freelances to The Projects & No fear Films. In 2005, the occasional actor, contributed no less than, 13, highly innovative sports production soundtracks to two forthcom... |
CYBTRAXX (Electro) |
CYBTRAXX produziert elektronische Musik, reduziert auf das Minimalste. Die Klänge stammen meist aus analogen und digitalen Synthesizern und Samplern. |
Chokai (Electro) |
An eclectic blend of Nostalgia, Nature and Life. |
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